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A Tree For Kids

Welcome again to The Unboxing Toys. Today we are giving you a Tree For Kids which is full of values, believes and Knowledge.

The components of the above tree are as follows:

The Roots of the Tree:-

Roots are the base for a tree, without the roots, it is impossible for a tree to grow the same as the kids as values, believes and knowledge done the same part as roots.

The Trunk of the Tree:-

It helps in an upward movement of water to the branches and leaves the same like this, A toy will help a child to grab the values, believes and knowledge from the roots.

Branches of the Tree:-

It symbolizes the growth of the tree as to how strong the tree is, same like this, values, believes and knowledge becomes a source for becoming strong for a child.

Fruits of the Tree:-

It is the success factor in the tree. For a kid, the values, beliefs, and knowledge become the success factor !!

So, this a tree for kids. Hope you gain some learning from this.

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